WISE WORDS (Kata Mutiara)


1.            A friend can't make us comfort only, but a true friend make us thinking of the future
2.            weak man is the person who can not make friends, but weaker than that is the person who had lots of friends but wasted it.
3.            My beautiful times have changed from laughter to memories. My best friends have turned from friends to family
4.            Best friend like a wall. Sometimes you lean on in there, and sometimes enough to know that he has always been there.
5.            When it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead, you can look aside you and your best friend will be there.
6.            You will have a lot of friends if you are interested in them, and instead of trying to make them interested in you.
7.            Have one true friend is worth more than a thousand friends selfish.
8.            If people resent you 3 times but he never said bad about you, take him as a close friend
9.            Friendship is hard to explain and never learned in school. However, if someone does not try to learn the meaning of friendship, he can not learn anything
10.         The best friend is the one who can sit swinging on the porch with you, without saying a word, and then you're left with the feeling of having a long conversation with him
11.         Do not walk behind me, I do not want to lead. Do not walk in front of me, I do not want to follow. Walk beside me and be my friend
12.         Friendship is the special relation of friends. We are so special because of friends. In fact, friends make us that special.
13.         Best friend hear what you did not say
14.         Friends do not wrap the first blow with a kiss, but he tells the painful words to make we change.
15.         Friendship is present the most of the ordeals often, but true friendship can handle that ordeals especially if we get it together.
16.         Always cherish and keep your friendship, because a friend can be closer than your own brother.
17.         What we experienced for our friends sometimes tiring and annoying, but that's what makes the value of having a beautiful friendship.
18.         Friend not be will hide the fault for avoid disputes, precisely because his love he ventured to reprove what the existence of .
19.         Experience can kill you or teach you to bounce back.
20.         Your decision determines your destiny, not your condition
21.         Do not underestimate the small things because it is the location of perfection
22.         If you think you can, the your correct. If you think you can not, your also correct
23.         Success always comes from the sacrifice, not the result of selfishness
24.         Fear of failure makes us stop trying
25.         Only those who do good that will get the goodness
26.         Idea is the basic to achieve the successful
27.         Successful would not come to you. Your own have to reach it.
28.         Never discuss in the fear and ignoring your fear for discussing.
29.         Never learn by talking, but try to listen for learning.
30.         Your satisfaction is the biggest barrier for successful
31.         Life is never be the same as our plan
32.         Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible!”
33.         If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other
34.         what we do today, it is the result of what we did yesterday and successful plan for tomorrow.
35.         To get what people don't, you should do something what people don't
36.         Succeed is the result of unsatisfied feeling in following other's, ain't an envy
37.         it's better to be 3 hours early than 3 minutes late
38.         the teacher of primary school can make the children from nothing to be something
39.         Love is like the wind, you can not see it but you can feel it.
40.         Do not cry because it is over, smile because it is happen.
41.         A room without books is like body without a soul.
42.         Live as if you were die tomorrow.
43.         Learn as if you were live forever.
44.         I like the night. Without the dark we can not see the stars.
45.         Life is an experiment in which you may fail or success.
46.         Never think that you will be in peaceful if you go a stray from God, because actually the peaceful you got is the proof of love from DEVIL
47.         ‘Know about yourself’ This sentence make us deprave and nasty. Whoever who observe himself will be stop of developing. Larva which force to know about itself will not transfigure become butterfly.
48.         Whatever you can do or your dream you can do that, do it. The bravery contains geniusity, power and miracle behind.
49.         Someone who have ever failed only, that will become stronger person and also have extra power to seize the victory.
50.         Person who at the beginning not go anywhere, usually will not reach anywhere
51.         There is little thing that you need to create happiness in your life. Everything you need is within you, that is the way you think and have a certain attitude
52.         As individuals, may be your team full of stars. But if they are not compact, all of it will be in vain.
53.         There is clear border between eccentric and genius. If you out distrance of era, you are eccentric. If you be left out of era, you are losers. And if you exact of the time, you are genius.
54.         Where there is love there is life.
55.         Sometimes, one’s way is not actually needed, while it needs can not be owned. But God knows what best.
56.         A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle
57.         we demand that people change, and forget about how difficult it is for ourselves to change
58.         actually, very little is expected of you, that you an honest step forward, and then another step, and another step after that, and one more step for every step you take. That is the only known way to succeed.
59.         love for self is frequently more blinding than love for others.
60.         the person who says something can not be done is often interrupted by someone else doing it.
61.         live is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you plan to stop peddling
62.         zeal is a volcano, the peak of which the grass of indecisiveness does not grow
63.         The fight is followed by the same strong and big teams
64.         The small, the young is not  always defeated
65.         Lose is start of big victory
66.         If you want to be success do something by yourself, but if you want your success everlasting do something together
67.         If you can forward why you stay behind
68.         Put  everything back to the place
69.         Thank’s for being polite
70.         Student  forbid ≠ smart
71.         Starving is a reason of losing concentration
72.         Eat before study
73.         Laugh before you’re laughed by others
74.         Your laugh on losing is turning point to victory
75.         Indignity give us motivation to be better
76.         Lose right now, win next time
77.         First word spoken is the truth
78.         Never know people from the name but from their live
79.         How hard you try, the God decide is
80.         Better late then nothing
81.         Heart and appearance isn’t alike
82.         Karma is stay alive
83.         Smile is beautiful but the truth isn’t always beautiful
84.         Your army didn’t decide your victory
85.         Good place is the comfortable place to stand
86.         Believeness is not coming twice.
87.         Good people always being tested
88.         If one laugh then all laugh too, that is the name of friendship
89.         Balance your heart and mind for your success
90.         Black isn’t always bad and white isn’t always good
91.         Better beat your ego than win a lot of fight
92.         Forgiveness is key of happiness
93.         Brave, strong, smart are an independent personal.
94.         Don’t think about they who hate you, think your god who always loves you
95.         The truth sometimes hurts
96.         Good appearance makes people admire you, but good personality makes people keep on your side
97.         The successful is not decide from the knowledge but from wish and sincerity.
98.         Never talk about success if you never felt it before
99.         Life without you is nothing
100.       Key of success is a lonely road
101.       Believe in miracle but never depend of it
102.       They who never afraid of fail get everything
103.       When you spoke in anger, your words left a hole in others heart
104.       Who separate you with success is a problem
105.       Put the biggest stone first or you will lose everything
106.       Never beg to your God to pass every test but beg for power to face it.

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